Wednesday, December 7, 2011


My favorite picture of me and my mom from my last high school play

Lately there are a couple things that I miss a lot about my mom. The first thing may seem kind of silly, foolish or vain but I miss it anyway. I miss how my mom would buy me things. She loved buying me things. Whether it was off the internet or at the store. And no one can do that the same. 
The second thing that I miss is the incredible advice she would give. It didn't matter if she was trying to take a nap or feeling so sick, she loved to give me advice. She told me that I could tell her anything. Sometimes she would just know that something was wrong with me and usually I would go hide in my room. Then she would knock on my door or just come in and she would ask me what was up. It didn't matter if it was a little problem or a big problem. Each problem that I had was so important to her. She just always knew what to say and her words were just configured in a way that was so great. I just wish that I could tell her about the special ed kids that I work with and ask her for advice with them. I just know that she would know how to solve about every problem I had with them. She would tell me how to deal with Eli running off on me and what to do when Freddy told me "no" all the time. She would teach me how to love them no matter what.
I miss her touch. Mom was always so touchy feely and I miss the feel of her hand on my arm or the wonderful hugs she gave. But I am so grateful that one day I can see her beautiful face again and feel of her sweet and completely loving touch. I can't wait to see her the way I knew my mom to be-happy, healthy, and energetic. I am so grateful for the Plan of Salvation that I believe in and for the strength that it gives me. I know that the Savior lives and loves me and that there is a way for me to get where my mom is. I love her and can't wait to see her.
Love you mom


  1. I am crying right now Abby! What a very sweet and tender post. Jacey was crying the other night because she missed Pam so much!
    I love you and you are so strong. Your mom is watching you and is near you. I believe that.
    Wish i was there to hug you! (and we could totally go shopping together too!)

  2. Thanks so much Candy. I love you too and am thankful for you in my life. We will definitely have to go shopping cause that is one of my favorite things! Jacey is such a sweetheart too. Give her an extra hug for me, will ya

  3. You should never have posted your blog link on facebook because now I am going to blog stalk you! I can totally relate with what you are feeling because I miss my brother the same way. Addy was using some lotion that Pam gave me the other day and said to me, "Is this from Aunt Pam?" Haha, I didn't even correct her. I want to be a mom like she was... good friends with her kids, and someone that just gives and gives. AND lastly, keep posting all these headbands. I am obsessed with making bows and I need some more creative ideas. I have been taking my grandma's ugly broaches and disecting them to make cute centers for my flowers. Just thought I better throw that idea out since I will probably be stealing some of yours!!!

  4. Oh and Annie is short for Anneka in case you get confused on who is commenting on your blog!
