Wednesday, December 7, 2011


My favorite picture of me and my mom from my last high school play

Lately there are a couple things that I miss a lot about my mom. The first thing may seem kind of silly, foolish or vain but I miss it anyway. I miss how my mom would buy me things. She loved buying me things. Whether it was off the internet or at the store. And no one can do that the same. 
The second thing that I miss is the incredible advice she would give. It didn't matter if she was trying to take a nap or feeling so sick, she loved to give me advice. She told me that I could tell her anything. Sometimes she would just know that something was wrong with me and usually I would go hide in my room. Then she would knock on my door or just come in and she would ask me what was up. It didn't matter if it was a little problem or a big problem. Each problem that I had was so important to her. She just always knew what to say and her words were just configured in a way that was so great. I just wish that I could tell her about the special ed kids that I work with and ask her for advice with them. I just know that she would know how to solve about every problem I had with them. She would tell me how to deal with Eli running off on me and what to do when Freddy told me "no" all the time. She would teach me how to love them no matter what.
I miss her touch. Mom was always so touchy feely and I miss the feel of her hand on my arm or the wonderful hugs she gave. But I am so grateful that one day I can see her beautiful face again and feel of her sweet and completely loving touch. I can't wait to see her the way I knew my mom to be-happy, healthy, and energetic. I am so grateful for the Plan of Salvation that I believe in and for the strength that it gives me. I know that the Savior lives and loves me and that there is a way for me to get where my mom is. I love her and can't wait to see her.
Love you mom

Sunday, October 9, 2011

{Whole Wheat Doughnuts}

This is the Sunday treat I made today. I seriously ate like 10 or 12. But they are healthy with their whole wheat, olive oil & pumpkin right :) Here is the link:
 These ones I glazed with blueberry sauce (courtesy to Aunt Christie) and topped off with powdered sugar.
 These ones are with the buttermilk glaze that was with the recipe (I liked this better).
YUM! I have missed baking because so many people have been bringing us yummy treats. So glad to get back in the kitchen. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

My Creations for a Cutie (My niece Annika)

                                        A onesie that I sewed on a heart to
                                                                Cupcake clip :)
                                                                         Fish Clip
                                                               And a flower Clip

Monday, August 22, 2011

Family is where my ♥ is

So yesterday was Dusty's homecoming and it was SO fun! We had a bunch of family and friends come from WA and Oregon so that was so great. I am so grateful for family and the blessing that they are to me. I really have an incredible extended family on both sides and they are just so supportive and great. 
The Whole family at the Tri-Cities airport

Me and Dusty :)

Molly (and Anneka), me, mom, and Grandma

So I have decided to stay home for fall instead of going to BYU. It was one of the hardest decisions I've made but I felt like it was the right thing to do so I could help take care of things at home. It is such a tender blessing to be able to take care of my mom and to give back so much of the caring she's given to me back to her. I love her dearly and am so thankful for her example in my life. She has taught me so much and, because of her, I feel like I am so much more ready to succeed in the world. She is one of the strongest people that I know. 
So it is pretty nice to kick it here at home and to be able to spend time while my WHOLE family is home...SO FUN. I also get to see Molly's baby (when she is born) a lot more so that's simply wonderful. My family is the greatest
Although being home can be pretty great I've really been missing BYU...A LOT! But the past couple days I've been more ok with it, it'll all work out in the end. BYU is great but I feel like right now this is where I'm supposed to be. Sometimes the Lord has a completely different plan for us and we can either learn to accept it or be bitter against it. Accepting may not always come quickly but by striving to do so we can gain it. Once we accept the plan that He has set out for us, so much peace and blessings can flow into our lives. I trust Him completely and am so thankful for how much he has blessed me with this miraculous Gospel and family. I AM SO BLESSED!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Life in General

It's dreadfully easy to not think about what life truly is, getting caught up in the particulars of it. Life is fragile, yes. Life is such an incredibly small moment in time when we think about it in an Eternal sense. Really, this earthly life is just a blink in time. I am so thankful for the Plan of Salvation and how much of a testimony I have gained of it. I know that there is a life after this where we are able to live with our Father in Heaven and live forever in happiness. It's so easy to get caught up in thinking that a little thing is so important or is such a catastrophe. However, when we put things in an Eternal perspective we can see how minutely important that thing is. Life isn't easy, it wasn't meant to be. But if we can have the perspective that this life is only a small moment, it can make those hard things seem a little simpler,a little easier. 

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


So originally this was just going to be a blog about all my crafty stuff but tonight I just feel like writing. I have some mixed up emotions right now. Life can be so crazy, especially when at college. Most of the time I am just having a blast (minus all of the studying) but it's those moments when you're all alone that you feel so alone (ironically). Sometimes you just feel like there's no one there for you. It makes me think about how amazing my family is. They are just incredibly supportive and I am so thankful for them in my life. They are the ones that are my best friends in my life, the ones that are always interested in what I'm doing no matter where I am at. They love me unconditionally and that is an amazing thing. I know that whenever I feel utterly alone I can always think about those people back home that are the ones that truly matter the very most. I love you guys!
Miss you guys so MUCH!
Love, Abby

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Headbands for Miss "M"

                                               Purply Vintage

                                             Funky Monkey
                                             Down to Earth

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fancy Fabric Flowers Continued

 Then take the fabric off of the cardstock by pressing on the fabric with your hand and forearm to ease it off. After that get a pencil and roll the fabric up moderately tightly
 After it is rolled up slip the pencil out and use tweezers to tighten the center. Just grab the end of the fabric that's in the middle and twist.
 Then hot glue the rose onto a piece of felt and cut it out.
 To add the second strip to make the flower larger just hot glue and wrap around the already glued flower as you go (I've found that you get a bigger flower if you do this rather than starting out with an extra long fabric strip).
 And there you go!!!
I embellished my new scripture case with this flower by adding a pin on the back. I also put some coral tulle around the flower and hot glued it.

Fancy Fabric Roses

After Cutting out two 1-inch thick strips that are about 22-inches long, iron them in half.
Then then pin one of the strips to a strip of cardstock paper.
Then wrap the strip diagonally on the cardboard strip

Iron the fabric that is on the strip as shown below and repeat the process with the second fabric strip.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Just Starting!

So here we go! I'm so excited for this blog! The main thing that I want to do is share the little creative things I make. Right now I am really into making AdOrAbLe headbands and am excited to post those!