Friday, January 6, 2012


Today and last night I have felt so very blessed. I just feel so filled with gratitude. The past few days I have been so stressed and emotional and last night I felt like I finally couldn't take it anymore. It was hard for me to even focus on doing my reading for my American Heritage class I was so stressed. At this hard time I had roommates that I have only known for a few days being so loving and compassionate and talking to me, a loving aunt and cousin come visit me, and a good friend come over that brought me the greatest comfort over all. I know that the Lord watches out for us. That His tender mercies are over all who come to him and put forth faith and effort. He knows our problems and concerns and knows how to bring us comfort if we but come to Him first. He cares about us more than we know and loves us. I now feel such a sweet and tender peace and the love from my Heavenly Father. It is so amazing to me. 

1 comment:

  1. I love you Abby girl... I am so glad there are people there around you in your time of need. You are truely amazing and inspiring to me and those around you. I know with out a doubt your mother is looking down at you and is proud!!! She was such a wonderful person and has truely left a legacy. I Hope all is well and you enjoy your time at school, you never get to have these experiences again. Live and learn.... Love Heidi
