Friday, November 30, 2012

Shine On!


You feel like a candle in a hurricane
Just like a picture with a broken frame
Alone and helpless
Like you've lost your fight
But you'll be alright, you'll be alright

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause its all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you Stand, Then you stand
Life's like a novel
With the end ripped out
The edge of a canyon
With only one way down
Take what you're given before its gone
Start holding on, keep holding on

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend till you break
Cause it's all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad, you get strong
Wipe your hands, shake it off
Then you stand, then you stand

Everytime you get up
And get back in the race
One more small piece of you
Starts to fall into place

[Repeat Chorus]

Some people are meant to be and deserve to be in your life and some people aren't. It's funny how you can think someone is so perfect and so great and then when they aren't in your life anymore, you realize how wrong they were for you and who they really are. It doesn't necessarily mean that they were a terrible person, but that you deserve something better, something different. Why do we deal with people that don't let us shine? Why do we allow people to push us around and don't stand up for ourselves? Is it because we are weak? No, maybe it's because we are scared. Maybe we love that other person so much that we are scared to tell them that they are hurting us. Maybe we are just scared of what they will think. Maybe they just make us feel like we are the problem when in actuality they are the one's that are treating us like objects. It's amazing what you want to say to that person in your head but you don't have the courage to tell them face to face. You just want to yell at them, tell them they're wrong, and be mad and angry at them. But what good is that going to do? All it is doing is concealing the real emotions that want to shine through--the sadness, pain. 
Why do we want people in our lives that we know aren't good for us? Why do we allow them to hurt us? I guess it's only human to want things we can't have. Some people say you don't move on until you find someone else. The heart is a fragile thing. Each person's heart goes through pains that everyone around them could not even imagine. More people are hurting than we could imagine. What if we just took a minute each day to sit down in a public place and look at all the people around us and remember that so many of them are hurting too. I can only imagine. 
One thing I learned from my aunt is to say silent "I love you's" in your head to those around you, whoever they may be. Even to random strangers! I have found that this truly works and how amazing it is!
Another thing that I've been learning more and more lately is to live in the present. If we are thinking so much about the future and the past then that will only lead to anxiety and unhappiness. But if we remember to be "right here, right now," then we will be living in the moment. I believe that that is the way Heavenly Father wants us to be-living in the moment. There is so much more joy to be found when we are doing that. When we just focus on where we are right now and progressing with what we have right now. It's amazing how we can shine on when we do this. So shine on today! Be where you are right now and discover the happiness that comes from that. Shine On!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Ok so I am just super pumped right now. As a future special educator and having grown up in a home where my parents were both special educators, this article really hit home. I have been telling people for a long time, DON'T SAY RETARD! Each of these perfect human beings don't deserve to be degraded by others throwing around this word. I love these beautiful people so much and I wish that more people could see their beauty, because it is amazing. If people would just take more time to get to know these incredible individuals, they would lose the desire to use this word. 
This article is amazing. It is written by a 26-year-old man with down syndrome. It will help you to gain a perception of why this word is so socially incorrect to be used as a degrading slang word. I am passionate about this! I hope that as you read this article you will choose to refrain from using this word to put down friends as by saying it, puts down those who really do have special needs. As President Uchtorf says: STOP IT! 
Here is the Link:

Friday, July 6, 2012

Calling All Mr. Darcy's: A tribute to Mr. Darcy

Ok so seriously. Where is Mr.Darcy! I am so sick of guys who play games. Playing all these games makes me just want to lay on my bed and watch a classy chick flick while eating expensive chocolates and Ben and Jerry's ice cream :) Ok so maybe it isn't realistic! But what the heck! Where are all the honest and true Mr.Darcy's! Of course I don't expect someone to be just like him but there's got to be someone with some of his qualities! Here are some of his amazing qualities 

Qualities of Mr. Darcy:
Unconditionally loving

Rich (So maybe not a quality, but certainly a perk ;)
Tall and Handsome
Wears awesome outfits!

So thank you Jane Austen for putting an unrealistic dream in young girls hearts...

An impatient Elizabeth

Monday, June 11, 2012

Missing You Today

I'm missing you today mom. I've been missing you more and more as the time goes by. It's so hard not having you here. I miss conversations with you and your amazing advice and knowledge about life. I just want you back. I wish you could help me deal with the problems that I face. However, I guess it helps me to be more independent. The more you're gone the more I realize how much I am like you. Sometimes I can literally feel you in me-my love for children and babies, my gravity towards special needs kids, my love of life, my desires to be healthy and my love of desserts :), my creativeness, my love of people, my desire to work in an orphanage. It amazes me how I want to do so many of the things that you did. Mom I miss you more than I can express. I miss your smile and your laugh, attitude, unconditional love, hugs and kisses, and just being able to talk to you. I wonder if you are doing alright. What are you doing mom? I love you so much. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Molly Joy (Jean) Beus

So this post goes out to one rockin sister. The best part of today was when we were both laying on the ottoman and talking about the "cra cra" wedding reception I am apparently going to have. We for sure laughed until we cried! I love that we have the same humor {i.e. Asian, Southern and Iclandic accents, sarcasm and scenarios} I have been told by one of my roommates after I skyped with Molly and Annika one day that it was like I was talking to myself. Let's just say that It's easy, take things you like and make them different. If you like Molly make her your sister. 
Molly thanks for being an incredible example of an amazing mother. If they do what you teach them they are going to be amazing kids like me :) I love you Molly and you are a wonderful example to me. 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day Mom

Happy Mother's Day Mom! Here's a Lemon Blueberry cake for you :)

I think you would've really liked this one!
Flowers for your gravesite with the new grave stone. 
I missed you a lot today mom. Thanks for the example you have set for me. I miss you as my rock in my life. I miss your sweet loving hugs and you asking how my day was. Mom your amazing and I'm so glad that you still live and are doing things that you couldn't have done in this life. You are in my heart and still influence me. You definitely live on. I know you still are with me more often than I know. Thanks for still being here. It's so hard being without you but I know that you needed to go on and do greater things. I love you so much mom. Thanks for your incredible influence.

Friday, March 9, 2012


It is so amazing how you can be at the right place at the right time. One of the greatest blessings to me right now are my roommates. I think that I am supposed to be living where I am at right now. I think that relationships with other people are one of the most beautiful things. People are important. They are more important than science, animals, possessions, and money. People are important. I am just so intrigued by them. So often at college I find myself looking around at individual people and getting curious about them. Why do they act the way they do? Why are they the way they are. Everyone carries a story with them. We have no idea what is behind the masks that people wear. I guess that's one reason why I love working with mentally handicapped kids so much. I love learning about why they act the way they do. It is so fascinating. When we learn why people act the way they do we know how to treat them. I think that that is so important, to treat people how they need to be treated. To be sensitive to their specific needs and desires. 
We are surrounded by people, every day. Get to know them. Make an effort to reach out to someone who looks like they are having a bad day. Talk to someone new. Look for opportunities to help others. You never know when something simple you do can mean the world to someone that day. Love them. Make them a priority. 

 Almost the whole fam :)Miss you so much Mom. 

 Absolutely love them

Me, and 3 of my roommates: Kira, Sarah, and Lauren. 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Counting Sheep

So basically I am getting really tired (get it) of not being able to sleep. I have tried a bunch of different things including melatonin, listening to the sound of rain on youtube, and reading to help me sleep. Yet I still end up waking up multiple times during the night. I guess there are worse things but I really just want to have a good night's sleep! It's been a while! So if any of you have any suggestions for someone sleepless in Provo I am open. Other than that I have been doing pretty good. I have been very blessed with so many things while here including skype, cousins and a loving aunt and uncle, and being able to be at such an amazing campus. But I would like to get some sleep!

Friday, January 6, 2012


Today and last night I have felt so very blessed. I just feel so filled with gratitude. The past few days I have been so stressed and emotional and last night I felt like I finally couldn't take it anymore. It was hard for me to even focus on doing my reading for my American Heritage class I was so stressed. At this hard time I had roommates that I have only known for a few days being so loving and compassionate and talking to me, a loving aunt and cousin come visit me, and a good friend come over that brought me the greatest comfort over all. I know that the Lord watches out for us. That His tender mercies are over all who come to him and put forth faith and effort. He knows our problems and concerns and knows how to bring us comfort if we but come to Him first. He cares about us more than we know and loves us. I now feel such a sweet and tender peace and the love from my Heavenly Father. It is so amazing to me. 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Time Truly Does Heal and then some

 Frame that I painted and decorated (picture is of my niece Annika)

 Flowers made from Keenan's old t-shirt. I tea dyed some and used geraniums and beets for the others.

As I was driving yesterday I was thinking about how time really does heal emotional wounds. It's amazing how I can look at myself now and see how much I have healed from losing my mom. I am so much stronger. As time goes by you just kind of get better and better, learning little by little. When trials hit, you aren't always so sure how exactly you are going to handle them. But if you simply wait it out you can find that the load gets easier in a way. I have found that it is so important to talk to others through your trials. If you don't it's like you are trapping a beast inside of you. Talking and writing things out are so often an emotional release for me. I have also found that by reading my scriptures each day I am just stronger in dealing with the pain. I think about her and miss her each day but I believe that one day I can see her again and that this was made possible through my Lord and Savior. I'm not giving up, I'm going to keep going. That's what she wants me to do and that's what I want to do. Life is too short to be unhappy and miserable about something for too long. Anyways, we don't want to be "a bunch of losers" as mom would say.
Love you mom